The All Spice Dress from ~Paisley Roots~ Pattern Review

Up for review today is The All Spice Dress by Paisley Roots. I have to admit, when I find a pattern that works year round, it is one that I feel I HAVE to add to my collection! The All Spice Dress is truly a dress for all seasons. There are so many variations to this one pattern that it will look like a new dress each time you make it!

I chose to do the long sleeve button bodice as we are very quickly approaching cooler weather with chilly mornings and evenings....and let me tell you, I AM NOT complaining about that at all!!!!

For this one dress there are four different sleeve options which include flutter, sleeveless, cap sleeve, and long sleeve. In addition to the button bodice, there are also instructions for a zipper bodice. Can you see how many times you can make this dress and it look totally different? If you are looking for the biggest bang for your buck in one pattern this is definitely the one for you!

Ok, to get into the actual instructions. There is a table of contents which is very helpful since there are so many different combinations you can do with this one pattern. In addition, when you are working through the pattern you will be directed to which page to go to for which option you are working on. This is very helpful and time saving so you so not have to scan through every page to find how to construct the specific style of dress you are wanting to construct.

Size charts, yardage chart, cutting chart, notion chart and finished measurement charts are all included which I have found more and more designers adding to patterns which is a very nice bonus. All of the pages are numbered and there were not a TON of pages to print for the actual pattern...which I must add went together beautifully! 

I found the fit of the dress to be just a bit off. I made a size 12 for my little. It was the perfect length for her falling right where it should. The sleeve length seemed a bit too long which is an easy fix if you are sewing just for your little but if you are sewing to sell it might be a bit more tricky. I think adding a cute little cuff in coordinating fabric (if you are using two different prints) would be super cute and is what we will do next time I sew this dress up. I think that the shoulder part of the bodice fit beautifully. I did find that the rest of the bodice was a bit large but I think this is the style the designer was going for. I thought it was cute, the little, she didn't care for the roominess of it....but she can be a bit on the picky side!

For the most part the pattern was written well but I do feel that there could have been better detailed pictures throughout the instructions and a bit more detailed instructions. My opinion is when adding pictures use totally different fabrics for the lining and the main prints, it makes it SO much easier to differentiate between the two and causes a lot less confusion, especially for ones that are just beginning to sew or for those of us who have so much going on in their head and may be a wee bit on the sleep deprived side they need to see a clear difference between main prints and lining prints! 

I feel that this pattern level is very advanced beginner to more on the intermediate side. I can see where a beginner would get very frustrated with the lack of detail in some parts of this pattern since there are some more advanced techniques used. Plackets, button holes, and/or a zipper can be very scary for someone just starting out and that is why I would rate this pattern for someone who is very confident in their beginner skills.

Overall this was a good pattern. I do love the fact that there are so many options and you can make the dress over and over without it feeling like the same dress and the fact that it can be worn year round with a simple sleeve change is a wonderful....because that equals more bang for your buck!!!

Happy Saturday All 


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