The Breeann Top by Modkid Patterns Review

It's been a hot minute since I have been able to is finally (and I hope I am right when I say this) getting back on track, so hopefully blogging will become a more frequent occurrence at Avalyn Apparel!

So....since life is getting back on track I decided it was high time for me to get another pattern review under my belt! I love being able to review patterns....not only do I get to add a new pattern to the collection, I often times get the opportunity to delve into the create from pattern designers that I have never used before....

This pattern review was a special treat for us here at Avalyn Apparel! This was our first time reviewing a pattern in tween sizes and to say it was a hit would be THE understatement of the year! My oldest, who is only 8 but wears a size 16 in girls because she is awesomely tall, fell in love with this design as soon as she laid eyes on it! Not only was I FINALLY going to make her was something that she adored....she's actually wearing it to school tomorrow!!! (This makes my heart so happy!)

Before I get into the review I want to first say...please excuse our was sweltering hot outside....we were melting the moment we stepped out....not only was it hot...we were targeted by a million mosquitoes...I swear we both had at least ten bites within the first few's like every mosquito in a ten mile radius decided to have dinner on us...literally! What came to mind while shooting these pictures was that commercial where all of the mosquitoes form up into an bad we didn't have one of those super awesome repellent thingys hooked to us to repel those buggers away!!! Anyone else ready for fall???

Enough jibber jabber....on to the review!

This review is for the Breeann top from Modkid designed by Patty Young.  This pattern is for a hooded knit top that has a cute kangaroo pocket, a super cute hood, and two different sleeve options...(who doesn't love options)....we went for the more fitted sleeve look...the next one I make (and yes...I see MANY of these in the near future) will have the flutter sleeves! I think it will be PERFECT for cooler weather with a long sleeve shirt under it! Versatility is my middle isn't but it should have been! Anything to make life easier...right?!?!?!?

This pattern is for knits. Are you scared of sewing with knits? Don't worry, I think most people are when they first start venturing out of the norm of wovens but Patty makes it SO easy!!! Because of all of the added information that is included in this pattern it is suitable for a beginner! Anyone who knows how to use a sewing machine and knows the basic functions of it and can read will be able to complete this pattern with ease!

Patty includes many things that so many other patterns that call for knits do not include which leaves you running to your computer to google or you tube the many questions that can come up when sewing with knits! Patty includes a section titled "Things To Know Before Sewing With Knits" which is very helpful to for people who are not very knowledgeable when it comes to the different types of knits. There is also an entire page of the instructions that is dedicated to different types of hemming options for knits which is great for sewists that do not have a serger!

Things that I loved about this pattern....what didn't I love about it?!?!?! This pattern was by far the easiest to print and tape together that I have ever used! Everything lined up perfectly...there was no guessing or trimming or having to be McGyver and figure out how to get all the pieces to line up as they should!

I loved that the instructions were detailed and to the point. Sometimes instructions get so chatty that it makes trying to get through a pattern way more time consuming than it should be! I have had instructions before where I get to reading them and forget that I am sitting at my sewing machine to funny as some of the commentary can is often distracting.

I love that the pages are numbered! As simple and maybe even as silly as that sounds, it is a blessing to see that little number at the bottom of the's like a wave of relief rushes over me when I spy with my little eye that number!

I love and I mean I REALLY love that each pattern piece states the designer, how many to cut, the code for the size cutting guide, the seam allowance and the direction of the stretch (so important in knit patterns)!!!

I loved that Patty also included where to cut notches on the actual pattern pieces. It makes it SO easy to get everything lined up...takes the measuring or guess work out of getting everything lined up perfectly! I have used many different patterns from many different designers and very few include this on the pattern pieces! I don't know Patty, but I LOVE her for this!!!!

It was an added bonus that this pattern includes a size chart which not only includes US sizing but European sizing as well!!!

There is only one thing that I would recommend and that would be to color code those marvelous dotted size lines on the pattern pieces....I print all patterns in color and it is so much easier to follow a dotted line in a specific color as opposed to different sized dotted lines all in black. This one tiny minor detail will not in any way shape or form deter me from buying any Modkid patterns....after this one I am HOOKED!

So a little recap! Patty Young is amazing! 

This pattern is well written and designed!

It is a quick and easy sew for even the novice of sewists! This took me about an hour and a half start to finish....printing, cutting, taping, and constructing the actual top. Very easy to accomplish during nap time for those of you who are lucky enough to have little ones that nap or after they go to bed in the evening.

It is trendy and perfect for your tween....because anyone who has a tween knows how hard it is to find trendy things in a store....seriously....if I would have worn stuff they have in stores today when I was a tween my parents would have probably been arrested!

We here at Avalyn Apparel love this design and we are now super fans of Modkid! We plan on making many more of these...I am actually hoping to have it be my daughters first sewing product! How fun would it be for the first thing that she sews is something as awesome as this!!!

I hope that you have had a wonderful hump day!!! Be on the look out, I have another review coming up next week....all I can say is swoon!!!!


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